Hero legal

The Prevalent Legal Vendor Network

Key Benefits

  • Increase focus on risk analysis and remediation by tapping into shared data

  • Select from flexible licensing options tailored to your desired level of vendor oversight

  • Reduce the cost of TPRM by automating assessment and monitoring processes

  • Accelerate vendor evaluations with cyber, business and financial health intelligence

  • Select from flexible licensing options tailored to your desired level of oversight

  • Meet client compliance requirements with a standards-based approach to third-party risk management

 Datasheet Legal Need To Know

This network is a great way for law firms to help build better security maturity and visibility across our industry.

— Director of Global Technology at Skadden Arps

Unmatched Vendor Monitoring Intelligence

Key Features

  • Icon risk assessment gold

    Standards-Based Assessment Library

    Access a database of thousands of completed and verified SIG assessments and supporting evidence. Vendors are reassessed annually or upon your request.

  • Icon monitor magnifying glass

    Search and Request Assessments

    Search for a specific vendor in the network to access assessment, cyber, business and financial data. Request assessments with a single click.

  • Icon risk score gold

    Risk Score Previews

    Screen vendors during RFx processes with risk score previews based on inherent/residual risk, internal assessment results, and external monitoring reports.

  • Icon ai chat gold 2

    Virtual Third-Party Risk Advisor

    Leverage a conversational AI trained on billions of events and more than 20 years of experience to deliver expert risk management insights in the context of industry guidelines such as NIST, ISO, SOC 2 and others.

  • Icon onboarding gold

    Contact Onboarding

    Identify potential points of contact; send templated email communications to enroll the user or identify alternatives; and onboard the user as the primary responder.

  • Icon team

    Outsourced Due Diligence

    Save time and money by letting Prevalent experts handle everything from conducting assessments and following up with vendors, to reviewing responses and evidence for accuracy and relevance.

  • Icon vendor risk scale

    Snapshot Event Triage

    Conduct an initial point-in-time review of business, reputational, or data breach events identified by Prevalent Vendor Threat Monitor; analyze them to identify false positives and noteworthy events; and adjust risk scores to reflect criticality.

  • Icon workflow gold

    Workflow and Task Management

    Streamline vendor communications and speed remediation efforts by capturing and auditing conversations, assigning tasks, and tracking progress.

  • Icon survey gold

    Automation Playbooks

    Efficiently coordinate internal and vendor teams with pre-built playbooks that automate a broad range of onboarding, assessment and review tasks.

  • Icon analytics graph bar

    Machine Learning Analytics and Reporting

    Leverage machine learning analytics to correlate hard-to-track metrics and provide insight into the riskiest vendors, controls and trends.

  • Icon compliance gold

    Compliance Mapping

    Prevalent automatically maps assessment responses to specific regulatory and industry framework requirements, enabling you to quickly verify compliance or justify remediation efforts.

  • Icon remediate health

    Remediation Guidance

    Get clear and actionable recommendations for addressing risks identified during assessments. Track and report on issue resolution over time.

  • Icon contract flexible license

    Issue Supplementary or Proactive Assessments

    Issue additional assessments for fourth-party mapping, certifications, and business profiling. Vendors can also proactively report important events.

  • Icon relationship mapping gold

    Relationship Mapping

    Leverage passively identified fourth-party technologies to identify and create relationships among third parties.

  • Icon business intelligence

    Continuous Cyber, Business & Financial Insights

    Transform point-in-time vendor assessments into dynamic intelligence profiles with continuous monitoring of cyber, business and financial monitoring events.

Flexible Licensing Options

Focus on the risks that matter most to you. Preview vendor risk scores; dig deeper with detailed assessment reports; or have Prevalent conduct deep, controls-based risk assessments on your behalf.

Risk Preview Risk Management




Assessment Status for All Vendors in Library

Inherent & Residual Risk Scores for All Vendors in Library

Cyber, Business & Financial Risk Dashboards (read-only)

Detailed Risk Assessment Responses & Results

Outsourced Due Diligence for New Vendors (SIG Assessment Collection and Analysis)

Cyber, Business & Financial Monitoring Dashboards (with drill-down capabilities)

Workflow & Task Management

Remediation Guidance

Risk Reporting

Compliance Mapping

Automation Playbooks

Trusted by Leading Legal Firms

  • Ready for a demo?
  • Schedule a free personalized solution demonstration to see if Prevalent is a fit for you.
  • Request a Demo