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Top KPIs & KRIs for Effective Third-Party Risk Reporting

2024 White Paper Third Party Risk Reporting

As third-party access to data and systems grows, board executives and business leaders are demanding clearer visibility into third-party ecosystems. But complex metrics and technical jargon often cloud the picture. To demonstrate the impact of your third-party risk management (TPRM) program, you need clear, actionable KPIs and KRIs.

Our comprehensive white paper, Third-Party Risk Reporting: Top KPIs and KRIs Executives Care About, provides actionable insights to enhance your TPRM strategy and demonstrate program results.

Download the 19-page guide to learn:

  • How to identify the most relevant KPIs and KRIs for your TPRM program.
  • Best practices for communicating TPRM results to your board and leadership.
  • Strategies to overcome common reporting challenges and streamline your metrics.

This paper is ideal for teams including Risk Management, Procurement and Sourcing, Security and IT, Audit and Compliance, Data Privacy, and others responsible for identifying, tracking, and reporting TPRM metrics.

Register now to equip your team with the knowledge to make informed decisions and protect your organization from third-party risks.

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