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Sustainable TPRM Part 4: Reporting & Looking to the Future

Sustainable TPRM Part 4: Reporting & Looking to the Future

Get instant access to the other installments of Building a Sustainable TPRM Program.


Now that you have a solid foundation for your third-party risk management program, it’s time to start building upward and outward. Understanding key metrics and how to report them is essential for measuring and monitoring risk now – and sustained monitoring and remediation going forward.

Join Bob Wilkinson, CEO of Cyber Marathon Solutions and former EVP and Chief Strategy Officer of the Shared Assessments Program, for the last installment in our 4-part webinar series, Building a Sustainable TPRM Program.

In Part 4 - Reporting & Looking to the Future, Bob discusses:

  • KPIs, KRIs, and other essential metrics for reporting
  • The importance of transparency for building trust in your extended supply chain
  • Regulatory considerations and industry guidance
  • The Resilience Operations Center (ROC) Model
  • Applying lessons learned to your program

Get your TPRM program up and running with Part 4 of this expert webinar series.

With over 30 years of real-world experience architecting and implementing risk management programs at Fortune 100 companies, Bob is the ideal guide for bringing sustainable TPRM to your organization.

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