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Compliance, Due Diligence, & More: Navigating Upcoming TPRM Trends

Webinar 0912 tprm trends

Organizations are facing an increasingly complex third-party risk landscape as regulations, cybersecurity threats, and supply chain disruptions continue to evolve. Getting up to speed on current trends is the first step toward preparing your third-party risk management program (TPRM) for what’s ahead.

Join John Masserini, Founder & Managing Partner of SentiCon Security, and Scott Lang, VP of Product Marketing at Prevalent, as they explore the emerging trends in TPRM and provide actionable insights to help you stay ahead of your third-party risks.

In this on-demand webinar, John and Scott discuss:

  • Navigating the latest regulatory developments and their impacts on TPRM teams.
  • The increased focus on cybersecurity as third-party incidents continue to rise.
  • How AI and automation are changing TPRM tools and approaches to risk monitoring.
  • Why organizations are adopting more rigorous due diligence processes to assess third-party risks.

Understanding the latest third-party risks is crucial to keep your organization resilient. Register now to get expert insights on the top upcoming trends shaping the future of TPRM.

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