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Inherent Risk vs. Residual Risk: The Foundation of Effective TPRM

Webinar 0821 inherent residual

Effectively managing inherent and residual third-party risks is essential for organizations aiming to thrive in an increasingly interconnected business environment. Understanding their significance is crucial as they provide the foundation for a durable third-party risk management (TPRM) program.

In this on-demand webinar, John Masserini, Founder & Managing Partner of SentiCon Security, leverages his expertise as a former CISO to explore the role of inherent and residual third-party risks and provides best practices for assessing these risks in your TPRM program.

Join John as he:

  • Identifies the most important criteria to assess vendors on to calculate a comprehensive inherent risk score
  • Describes the steps involved in tiering and categorizing suppliers based on their inherent risk
  • Defines different risk appetites, which can inform whether risks are accepted or remediated with compensating controls
  • Explains the most essential controls for vendors to implement to improve residual risk scores over time

Understanding and managing your inherent and residual third-party risks is crucial for an effective TPRM program. Register now for this webinar to learn how your team can navigate the complex landscape of third-party relationships with confidence and resilience.

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