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Five Third-Party Risk Management Recommendations to Prepare for What’s Next

Five Third-Party Risk Management Recommendations to Prepare for What’s Next

Disruptions caused by the current pandemic have tested many organizations’ supply chain resilience plans. But what lessons have been learned, and how can we adapt plans to address future disruptions? This webinar, presented by former CISO and third-party risk management program leader Brenda Ferraro, delivers new recommendations on what supply chain security should look like after we emerge, including how to:

  • Expand supply chain transparency to better forecast future disruptions
  • Leverage crowdsourced threat intelligence to better understand potential weak points in the supply chain
  • Adjust risk scores, tiering and assessment content to be more adaptable based on current circumstances
  • Remove the clutter of inconsequential controls to better focus on what’s most important
  • Use automation and workflow to accelerate risk identification and reporting

Regardless of the type of disruption – pandemic, natural disaster or political instability – take advantage of these recommendations before the next challenge to drive better business outcomes for your organization.

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