Software Supply Chain Security Best Practices

Strengthen your resilience against software supply chain attacks by implementing these best practices for increasing third-party risk visibility and accelerating risk mitigation.
Scott Lang
VP, Product Marketing
January 26, 2022
Blog software supply chain 0122

Recent software supply chain attacks have prompted the United States Senate to pass legislation bolstering cybersecurity training for federal procurement personnel. The Supply Chain Security Training Act mandates that agencies assess and mitigate supply chain risk throughout the acquisition lifecycle. The Department of Homeland Security, NIST, and other federal agencies are tasked with coordinating and enforcing this program.

Managing software supply chain risks requires not only securing your organization against direct attacks but also mitigating the risk of third-party and Nth-party data breaches that could disrupt your business.

What does Software Supply Chain Security mean for TPRM?

Your software supply chain refers to the applications that you use to provide services to your customers. In third-party risk management, software supply chain security involves identifying possible vulnerabilities in the underlying components within those applications and assessing their likelihood of being manipulated by cybercriminals.

Tighter cybersecurity provisions are essential to strengthening supply chain risk management, and we suggest all organizations – not just federal agencies – consider implementing the following best practices.

Software Supply Chain Security Best Practices

1. Enhance Vendor Due Diligence with Combined Internal and External Risk Assessments

To minimize the risk of third-party software supply chain disruptions, require solution providers to share information about their software development lifecycle, including:

  • The origins of their source code
  • Their quality assurance (QA) processes
  • Their service level agreements (SLAs) for identifying and fixing vulnerabilities

While initial assessments can come from vendor questionnaires, these only provide a snapshot in time. Complement your supplier assessments with continuously updated vendor risk data from sources including:

  • Criminal forums, onion pages, dark web special access forums, threat feeds, and paste sites for leaked credentials. Monitoring chatter on these sites can provide an early warning indicator that a supply chain partner has or will be targeted.
  • Security communities, code repositories, vulnerability databases, and historical data breach notifications to regularly check vendor security hygiene.
  • Reputational risk information, including adverse media coverage, inclusion on global sanctions lists, or ownership by a state-owned enterprise.

By keeping track of these intelligence sources, you maintain up-to-date insight into your suppliers' vulnerabilities, moving from static to dynamic supplier risk assessments.

However, beware of building an overly complex and potentially expensive risk-monitoring program. With hundreds of potential sources of cybersecurity and reputational intelligence, it’s easy to quickly become overwhelmed with uncorrelated data from disparate, separately licensed sources.

Choose platforms that centralize inputs from multiple intelligence sources, corroborate assessment outcomes, and meaningfully report on potential vendor risk exposure.

Navigating the Vendor Risk Lifecycle: Keys to Success

This complimentary guide details best practices for successfully managing risk throughout the vendor lifecycle. See what we've learned in our 20+ years of experience working with hundreds of customers.

Read Now
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2. Map Your Extended Supply Chain to Uncover Hidden Risks

Visibility decreases the further upstream you go in your supply chain, which can conceal risks like

ransomware attacks and security breaches. Gaining visibility into your extended vendor ecosystem can reveal relationships where your data is handled, but this information can be time-consuming to gather and quickly outdated.

To uncover these risks, construct comprehensive vendor profiles using a third-party assessment platform. These should include key vendor information such as location, fourth parties, deployed technologies, as well as external supplier perimeter scanning data. The outcome will be a relationship map that easily identifies technology concentration risk, so you’ll be better prepared when the next SolarWinds happens.

3. Automate Incident Response to Accelerate Risk Mitigation

When a large-scale software supply chain breach occurs, the natural first question to ask is, “Are we impacted?” followed quickly by, “Are our third parties impacted?” We saw this scenario play out several times with breaches such as SolarWinds and Kaseya. Having comprehensive vendor profiles, as described in best practice above, will put you in a great position to quickly answer that question.

However, when it comes time to determine a vendor’s exposure and mitigation plans, many organizations are disadvantaged – using spreadsheets to assess and triage risks across potentially hundreds of supply chain partners.

Here are a few steps for taking a smarter, faster approach to incident response:

  • Centralize the management of all your vendors, not just the high-tier ones. Software supply chain risks are widespread and can affect more than the vendors deemed most critical.

  • Issue incident-specific assessments and track them, offering remediation recommendations to speed up risk mitigation. Include questions about business continuity, backups, and recovery plans in these assessments.

  • Empower third parties to report incidents proactively through a standardized event reporting system that scores and escalates risks for efficient triage and reporting.

  • Implement workflow rules that initiate automated actions, allowing you to respond to risks based on their potential business impact.

  • Centralize the analysis of assessment results to synchronize remediation efforts with partners and communicate progress to management.

Next Steps for Better Software Supply Chain Security

A manual, reactive stance on software vulnerabilities is not enough. Implementing these best practices will better position you for the next supply chain security challenge.

For more on how Prevalent can help reduce supply chain risk at every stage of the vendor lifecycle, read our white paper Navigating the Vendor Risk Lifecycle, or request a demo for a strategy session today.

Leadership scott lang
Scott Lang
VP, Product Marketing

Scott Lang has 25 years of experience in security, currently guiding the product marketing strategy for Prevalent’s third-party risk management solutions where he is responsible for product content, launches, messaging and enablement. Prior to joining Prevalent, Scott was senior director of product marketing at privileged access management leader BeyondTrust, and before that director of security solution marketing at Dell, formerly Quest Software.

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