Being prepared for the next disruption means having a comprehensive business continuity and resilience plan. Download...
05/07/2020 by Alastair Parr
Understanding how important third parties are to your organization is a foundational element for any business...
04/30/2020 by Alastair Parr
A CISO discusses their ideal TPRM program and what keeps them up at night, from vendor...
04/27/2020 by Scott Lang
New best practice kit is the latest in a series of free content available to the...
04/21/2020 by Alastair Parr
New critical infrastructure protection cybersecurity standards are going into effect on July 1. Are you ready?
04/20/2020 by Scott Lang
Our study finds that most organizations aren’t confident in their existing programs or tools. Read “Third-Party...
04/08/2020 by Scott Lang
New pandemic assessment templates to guide sound business resilience practices and rapid response during the COVID-1...
04/03/2020 by Alastair Parr
Business resilience planning is a critical tool for all organizations to use to ensure they are...
03/30/2020 by David Allen
GE has disclosed a data breach originating at one of its third-party service providers.
03/27/2020 by Scott Lang
Our Pandemic Business Resilience Assessment questionnaire is designed to help you make informed decisions in response...
03/24/2020 by Alastair Parr
We are committed to ensuring the safety of our employees, delivering our products and services without...
03/17/2020 by Kevin Hickey
Join Prevalent for a special online presentation with Scott Flansburg, Guinness World Record holder for the...
03/17/2020 by Prevalent
How prepared is your supply chain for the impacts of COVID-19?
03/11/2020 by David Allen
The third-party service provider security policy requirements set forth in NYDFS Part 500 go a long...
03/04/2020 by Scott Lang
Current events provide a reminder that regional crises illuminate concentration risk. How can third-party risk management...
02/28/2020 by Brenda Ferraro
Version 3.16 includes enhancements to assessment scheduling, workflow & automation improvements, and several other updates.
02/18/2020 by Alastair Parr
As you evaluate your IRM strategy, be sure to consider these key third-party risk management capabilities.
02/14/2020 by Scott Lang
Make sure you have 2020 vision going into next year with the second round of forecasts...
12/19/2019 by Prevalent