Building a Business Resilience and Continuity Plan

Business resilience planning is a critical tool for all organizations to use to ensure they are prepared for threats and disasters such as pandemics and data breaches.
David Allen
Chief Technology Officer & Chief Information Security Officer
March 30, 2020
Blog business resilience overview video

Business resilience planning is a critical tool for all organizations to use to ensure they are prepared for threats and disasters such as pandemics and data breaches. Like many of our customers and partners, we’ve increased our focus not only on our own resilience planning, but also on that of our vendors and supply chain during the COVID-19 crisis.

I thought it would be helpful to capture and document the processes and services we’re using as an organization in order to demonstrate our continued operations after such an impactful event. As such, I’ve recorded a brief, five-minute video that summarizes best practices in building a business resilience and continuity plan.

Business Resilience Presentation Overview

Here's what's covered in this 5-minute video:

  • Defining and creating a business resilience plan
  • Setting program goals (e.g., protecting ongoing operations, preserving revenue, ensuring employee health and safety, securing customer data, etc.)
  • Targeting the right audiences, including internal and external stakeholders
  • Charting the process (e.g., contributors, impacted location, suppliers, data, threats, tracking and testing, etc.)
  • Setting roles and responsibilities (e.g., senior management, IT, legal, marketing, customer support, etc.)
  • Understanding the importance of a financial overview
  • Outlining potential threats and business impacts
  • Defining recovery point objectives (RPO) and recovery time objectives (RTO)
  • Identifying standards and assessments to assess your organization’s readiness

Here are some best-practice processes and services Prevalent is using to demonstrate our continued operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Next Steps

If your organization is currently reviewing its business resilience plan, Prevalent can help. Download our free questionnaire that includes 27 commonly asked internal and external questions (along with possible answers) to assess you and your suppliers' crisis preparedness. Or, contact us to gain access to a free version of our leading third-party risk management platform that includes a built-in business resilience assessment.

Headshot david allen
David Allen
Chief Technology Officer & Chief Information Security Officer

David Allen is the Chief Technology Officer & Chief Information Security Officer for Prevalent, where he oversees software development, information technology, information security and cloud operations. He has over 20 years’ experience building and managing teams, enterprise software products, and evaluating systems and processes for efficiency and security. David’s focus is to align business needs with technical vision, and evolve strategy and process for technological resources. David’s passion is building efficient processes, teams, and workspaces with an emphasis on communication, morale, job satisfaction, and career growth. He strongly believes that empathy, inclusiveness, and a holistic view of team dynamics and processes are just as important as technology and strategy. Prior to Prevalent, David held technical leadership roles at Quest Software, NetPro, eEye Digital Security, and BeyondTrust where he built high-performance software engineering teams to achieve category leadership and sales growth for enterprise software frameworks and applications. He holds a Bachelor of Computer Science degree from Monash University.

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