Scott Lang
VP, Product Marketing
Scott Lang has 25 years of experience in security, currently guiding the product marketing strategy for Prevalent’s third-party risk management solutions where he is responsible for product content, launches, messaging and enablement. Prior to joining Prevalent, Scott was senior director of product marketing at privileged access management leader BeyondTrust, and before that director of security solution marketing at Dell, formerly Quest Software.
Published Work
Third-Party Risk Management Roles: Expanding Beyond Information Security
Infosec teams managing third-party risk management programs can gain a more holistic view of vendor risk...
08/31/2021 by Scott Lang
Prevalent Enhances Platform Essentials to Include Unlimited Third-Party Ransomware and...
With Platform Essentials, organizations can be more proactive against two common risks impacting their third parties.
08/12/2021 by Scott Lang
EU Draft Directive on Corporate Due Diligence and Corporate Accountability...
This regulation will require organizations to report on their suppliers' human rights and environmental practices. Here’s...
06/17/2021 by Scott Lang
U.S. Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force: 7 Steps to Improve...
Mandates for onshoring critical supply chains may require your company to onboard new suppliers and offboard...
06/09/2021 by Scott Lang
Fastly Web Outage: Why Third-Party Business Resilience Is Important
Use these 10 questions as a baseline to assess your critical suppliers’ business resilience processes.
06/09/2021 by Scott Lang
Third-Party Risk Management in the Executive Order on Improving the...
The US Federal Government will require all information and operational technology suppliers to meet specific criteria...
06/02/2021 by Scott Lang
New Solutions Simplify Procurement Due Diligence
Introducing three new solutions that help IT security and procurement teams build and mature their supplier...
05/26/2021 by Scott Lang
2021 Third-Party Risk Management Study: What Lurks Beneath the Cyber...
Our annual third-party risk management study shows that most companies are not tracking risks at critical...
04/15/2021 by Scott Lang
New Third-Party Incident Response Service Minimizes Data Breach Impacts When...
Accelerate your discovery, scoring and remediation of urgent third-party security incidents.
04/08/2021 by Scott Lang