Hero about

Securing the Extended Enterprise

Prevalent takes the pain out of third-party risk management.

Prevalent takes the pain out of third-party risk management (TPRM). Companies use our software and services to eliminate the security and compliance exposures that come from working with vendors and suppliers throughout the third-party lifecycle. Our customers benefit from a flexible, hybrid approach to TPRM, where they not only gain solutions tailored to their needs, but also realize a rapid return on investment. Regardless of where they start, we help our customers stop the pain, make informed decisions, and adapt and mature their TPRM programs over time.

Our Commitment to Customers

  • Guide With Expertise

    We work with customers and third parties in a consultative and collaborative way.

  • Cultivate Advancement

    We help customers evolve their risk management maturity at the right pace.

  • Keep Promises

    We focus on doing what we say and, where possible, exceed customer expectations.

  • Raise the Bar

    We continuously improve what we do, and increase the value we bring to our customers.

  • Focus on What Matters

    We help businesses prioritize their efforts in a practical manner that’s impactful.

Meet the Team

The Board

Kevin Hickey, CEO

We're here to revolutionize how organizations address the risks of an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world by transforming how they view, manage and govern third-party relationships.”

  • Ready for a demo?
  • Schedule a free personalized solution demonstration to see if Prevalent is a fit for you.
  • Request a Demo